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084 – Digesting DISC – Part 1

Are you new alumni? Did you recently finish the Our Community Listens course and find yourself often checking back to your learning guide? Well, this podcast and its coming episode are here for you as another form of learning! We’ll be reviewing subjects from class, providing…

082 – Vowing to stay connected

“When we went into the course, we were like, ‘What else are we going to learn about each other and about ourselves?’…and it was a lot. So never think that you know enough about yourself or others because there’s always more.” -Melanie Pomerville

076 – New Name, New Programs – Same Human Connection

In this episode, Adam Salgat sits down with newly appointed CEO Misty Janks to cover the expansion of programs, including virtual classes happening at CFCC. They also discuss her excitement level moving into her new role and the heritage behind the official name change that took place about one year ago.